Profil Institute for Clinical Research, Inc.
In March of 2004, Profil Institute for Clinical Research, Inc., an internationally renowned research institute specializing in diabetes and obesity, enlisted the aid of Ronstadt & Associates to help recruit Caucasian, African-American and Latino diabetics for a key study with a pending deadline.
The German-based Profil recently opened its U.S. headquarters in San Diego, a city nationally known for its biotechnology industry. The market, although ethnically diverse, was also saturated with other clinical study companies also seeking volunteers. Filling a study requiring a particular number of subjects from each minority group was no small task. In general, eighty percent of clinical trials are postponed because there are not enough volunteers. Profil, a new kid in town with little or no brand recognition in the area, needed an edge.
In order to reach potential participants and increase community awareness for Profil, Ronstadt & Associates designed and implemented a multi-tiered campaign consisting of media relations, advertising and grassroots marketing tactics. Because the study required a large percentage of Hispanic subjects, Ronstadt & Associates also conducted extensive outreach to Spanish-language media.
The PR segment of the campaign focused on obtaining strategic coverage for Profil in English and Spanish newspapers and business publications, as well as television and radio outlets. Ronstadt & Associates leveraged several angles in order to capture the media's interest such as Profil's use of a specialized glucose measurement technique and the lack of diabetes studies focusing on a medication's impact on ethnic minorities. As a result, Ronstadt & Associates generated print coverage in key news outlets, successfully booked Profil representatives on various talk shows and secured segments on local news programs.
Additionally, Ronstadt & Associates arranged for the placement of print ads and television and radio commercials and developed an outdoor advertising campaign consisting of transit shelter and mall posters. Ronstadt & Associates also launched grassroots activities such as recruiting at county fairs and family health events.
Ronstadt & Associates efforts enabled Profil to fill its study on time and lay the foundation for future successful recruiting in a very tough market. Specific results include Profil features in such key print publications as Diario Latino, El Latino, El Sol de San Diego, El Semanario Deportivo, Holtville Tribune, Imperial Valley Weekly, La Prensa, La Sonrisa Latina, San Diego Commerce, San Diego Monitor News, Voice and Viewpoint, Star News and the Calexico Press. Interviews with Profil physicians were included on San Diego radio and television outlets such as KBNT-TV, Telemundo (two segments), KIFM Radio, KBZT Radio, KLOVE Radio, KJLH Radio, Magic 92.5, and KSON Radio.